Coregulation Informed Education

Summary: Educators are often not fully prepared to help students affected by Community Disconnection, a widespread psychosocial public health threat that can undermine academic achievement & increase behavioral/mental health problems. Educators often work with students who are alienated, struggling & failing, while students with healthy social connections tend to do better. This article recommends educators 1) be informed about Community Disconnection, 2) adopt protocols to identify students at-risk, 3) learn how Coregulation, an effective remedy for Disconnection, can be applied in a school setting to stop detrimental effects of Community Disconnection from undermining student academic achievement & mental health. Short term training & research based resources are recommended to establish a “Coregulation Informed” school community.

A few years ago, our public health research team was looking into reasons why American society seems to be coming unhinged in so many ways. Multiple symptoms of an unhealthy society are getting worse:

  • Depression, anxiety & addiction 

  • Chronic illness

  • Suicide rates

  • Mass shootings & school gun violence 

  • Rising healthcare costs with more undesirable outcomes 

This certainly isn’t a complete list of growing social ills, but these alone have been enough to cause life expectancy in the U.S. to decline for the first time in over 100 years, even before the arrival of COVID.

The complexity of our modern world brings more convenience, but at a cost of more human stress. Technology & social media have changed how we interact with each other, & Earth’s deteriorating environment brings us face-to-face with the possibility of our own extinction in the foreseeable future.

The answer to why society seems to be unraveling is complicated. But it’s affecting the physical & mental health of many people of all ages. Our research took us down many paths, speaking with educators, students, doctors, patients & others in all walks of life. 

Our research was presented at the 2021 American Psychiatric Association conference, documenting how Community Disconnection has become widespread, harming human physical & psychological health, leading to higher morbidity, mortality risk & suicide within communities & among individuals, ultimately affecting healthcare costs, provider Performance & treatment outcomes. 

Generally speaking, we came to these conclusions.

Community Disconnection:

  • Has increased dramatically over recent years & is fueling a global epidemic, especially in younger generations & seniors, causing increases in certain illnesses & suicides. U.S. life expectancy is declining for the first time in more than a century, even before COVID.

  • Is caused by a combination of social, psychological & physical factors that dysregulate Polyvagal nerves & the autonomic nervous system (ANS), making people vulnerable to illness & less responsive to health treatments.

  • Is triggered by what happens to you, but caused by how you react to what happens to you. All humans experience disconnections in life - from Nature, Family, Self, Work, School & Community - but most of the time we recover. Not every disconnection dysregulates the autonomic nervous system & causes health problems.


  • Is the “active ingredient” of psychotherapy & an effective remedy for Community Disconnection 

  • Is a method of human interaction that restores coherence to the Polyvagal Nervous system, an effective way to protect against Community Disconnection

  • Is accessible to almost everyone for little or no cost. All that’s required is to learn how to do it and find one or more Partners.

How can educators adapt to this toxic climate, fueling increases in student mental health issues & rising rates of suicide One of our goals is to inform educators about the threat of  Community Disconnection & how to use Applied Coregulation in education to improve student achievement & behavior. 

Specific, inexpensive adjustments to school communities can improve student performance, well being & prevent sabotage of academic success by Community Disconnection. Making a school “Coregulation Informed” by teaching leadership, staff & students about Community Disconnection & the remedy, Coregulation, is a practical, cost effective way to improve academic achievement outcomes in students compromised by Community Disconnection.

The “informed community” approach has been shown to be effective with trauma. (Informing a school community about Trauma reduces trauma related problems).


  1. Learn the art of Applied Coregulation to help students compromised by Community Disconnection

  2. Get training necessary to make school leadership team members “Coregulation Informed



    Applied Coregulation training for healthcare providers, educators, organizations, teams &  individuals


  • Seylani, Allen; Croucier, Jeremy, A qualitative exploration of disconnection in healthcare and the efficacy of remote co-regulation training among healthcare workers and patients, Journal of Social Health Education, 2020 (Presented at the 2021 annual conference of the American Psychiatric Association)


  • Lost Connections, Johann Hari, Bloomsbury, New York, 2018

  • The pocket guide to the polyvagal theory: the transformative power of feeling safe. Stephen Porges, New York, New York: Norton, 2017.

  • The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, Deb Dana, W.W. Norton, 2018


Coregulation Basics


Coregulation Informed Healthcare